Registration Step: 1. Registration (You will select either a credit card payment or bank transfer from Japanese domestic banks.) ⇒ 2. Confidential Agreement ⇒⇒⇒ 3. Within a week or so, you will receive an invoice for your credit card payment or bank information by email.
Please note that this registration will not be completed until the payment is received by EFT workshop team. Please let us know if you don't hear from us within a week after you submit your confidential agreement.
For bank transfer, participants are asked to cover the bank transfer fee. Please note that we are able to accept bank transfers only from Japanese domestic banks due to bank charges. If you have any questions, please let us know at
登録のステップ: 1. 参加登録情報入力 (クレジットカードか銀行振込でのお支払いかを選択。) ⇒ 2. 守秘義務同意プロセス ⇒⇒⇒ 3. 1週間以内に、クレジットカード払いの場合は請求書を、振込みご希望の場合は銀行情報を送付いたします。
We look forward to seeing you at the Core Skills!